Tuesday 24 May 2016

The total transformation of Home Alone kid 'Macaulay Culkin'(photos)


You remember him right,who will ever forget him.this is our Home Alone kid the all time best movie where a kid is mistakenly  left home alone and is dealing a
hell out of two adult burglars who came to rob their house.Home Alone is a 1990 blockbuster movie, his name in the movie is Kevin Mccalister but his real name is Macaulay Culkin born in the year 1980.
Our cute little pout lips boy is now an adult,after watching his movies yesterday I was curious to find out what this loads of cuteness of a boy now looks like as an adult.
I literally broke down in tears seeing how he now looks like,turns out his parents literally left him home alone in real life and instead of fighting burglars he took to drugs, literally fighting his own health.
 Macaulay hadn't had the childhood most of us had thought he would have,find out he's been through a lot in his real life,from acting denying him of his childhood to losing siblings to fire and accident,and then losing both mum and dad to divorce.He was literally left alone to his problems and needs in this life that he took to drugs.And it totally turned him into an ugly adult.See pics of his transformation below.

 Then I was too relieved to see this picture of him below to day,totally visible he's now winning the war against drugs,just some days after calling it quits with acting Macaulay culkin is now healthier and happier.And am thrilled,ain't you?Another photo after the cut

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