Wednesday, 18 May 2016

10 reasons why you feel awful after sex

Post sex blues or post coital dysphoria are feelings of sadness and depression often leading to inexplicable tearfulness after a consensual sex.
Research shows that half a million of women feel post sex blues often or once in their life even while under legal union(marriage).Below are some of the reasons why you feel so.

*Women with a history of sexual abuse:85% of women suffering from post sex blues are women who had been sexually assaulted in the past or who have  experience some form of sexual violence or emotional trauma like rape victims,prostitutes or a witness to it,these ugly memory memories tends to be replayed in their head leading to the outburst of tears or sudden loss of interest and sadness.

*Infectious diseases:Some untreated infectious diseases makes sex so painful and unbearable that it leaves you feeling sad instead of alive afterwards.

*Attitudes from partner:attitudes from our sexual partner after sex has a lot to do with how we feel afterwards,if our patner gives us attitudes of appraisal and satisfaction we tend to feel alive and happy but if they gives us otherwise,we tend to feel sad and in the dumpsters.

*When it isn't mutual:When you don't feel like it but your partner relented and did it anyway,leaving you feel like you have been used instead of loved.

*When you haven't reach orgasm and he stopped:These leaves a lot of women in a very pitiable state sexually and emotionally,a lot of women even when they have been having sex.they are still sex starved because their partners only stopped when they have satisfied themselves,without helping their women climaxed and reach orgasm.

*When it's being done obligatorily:Sex should be done for love,any other intention apart from love makes one partner suffer,obligatory sex is the most wicked form of sex where men demand sex from women obligatorily under the guise of marriage because he paid your bride price without caring to know how you feel.This type of sexual practice is predominant in Africa(Nigeria)and women suffers and have been used as sex slave and baby making machine under this practice.

*Feelings of sexual insecurity:When you are certain your man is cheating and unfaithful but  you  still have unprotected sex with him and then keep wondering of all the emotional and health risk you have put yourself in.

*when you are not ready for all that comes with sex and still had it anywhere:some couples that are not ready to have children feel worried after having sex.

*When you have been trying for a child:Couples who have sex for the sole purpose of having babies usually don't enjoy it they do it as work always expecting something from it and never do it for fun,so they never really had fun  always thinking to themselves"will these one work or we are just barren".

*Mindset:This is the most important place to work on when really prepared to have a good sex,you have to bare your mind of all negative feelings and emotions,this is where post sex blues starts and this is where it ends.

*When your partners compares:When your patners compares you to an ex  whether to your own credit or not keeps you wondering why he still remembers her and to mention her name right after you have had sex.damn!maybe he still got feelings for her and that kind of feeling running through your mind leaves you feel like you've been torn apart by a comparing selfish ingrate.Some post sex blues might be due to recent stressful event and do not need to be magnified beyond that,people who experience it should not feel alone or abnormal and the best solution is to be honest with yourself and your partner.

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