Thursday 2 June 2016

Ex-president Goodluck Jonathan is back to Nigeria

Former President Goodluck Jonathan on Wednesday, arrived Nigeria through the Port Harcourt International Airport, Rivers State, after spending some weeks abroad.

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) took  to its official twitter page last night and announced that former President Goodluck Jonathan has returned to the country after weeks of staying abroad.
“The hero of our democracy is back home,” the tweet read alongside a picture of the former president at the Port Harcourt International airport.
The former president arrived on the eve of President Muhammadu Buhari’s visit to Ogoni in Rivers State who will be paying his second visit to the Niger Delta since he took over from Jonathan, to flag-off clean-up of oil spills in the area.
Reno Omokri, former senior special assistant to Jonathan on social media, later confirmed that the Nigerian leader had arrived his Otuoke hometown in Bayelsa as he was earlier welcomed by friends and well-wishers at the Port Harcourt International Airport, Rivers State.
Recall that during Jonathan’s absence, there were reports that he had gone on exile for fear of arrest by the President Buhari-led federal government, but he debunked the news, saying he was out of the country to get some rest, and would soon return.

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