Sunday 6 December 2015

Ten Things to do before you get married(for the ladies)

You have once in your life to be single and the rest of your life to be married, so don't let anyone talk you out of having all the fun or exploring your spinsterhood. Being married and being single is never the same, being single means you can spread your wings and fly as high as you want without any restrictions, in marriage you are highly restricted or limited to what or how to do things because of the sacredness of the Union to the decision of your husband and the upbringing of your children,some people end up regretting being married not because of anything but because they didn't understood the value of spinsterhood ,they probably spent the whole of their spinsterhood in Moody mood wishing to married or the timing was wrong for them,this article will  open your eyes to the golden side of spinsterhood while you prepare to be married and help you check if the time is right for you to really get married.

Kim Kardashian West welcomes second child

Kim kardashian West welcomes second child with rapper Kanye West on Saturday December 5,2015.Kim announced the message via her website,according to TMZ sources Kim delivered three weeks earlier to expected date .This is not the first time she had delivered before her due date ,it was also noted that her first child North West was  delivered five weeks before due date
Congrats! to the West family.

Friday 4 December 2015

Help!Our Soldiers suffering from War trauma

A soldier who have spent two years at warfront said that most of his colleagues are now suffering from war trauma as they have not seen their families for a long time .              "We have been in the battlefield for two years or more without being changed and war trauma has set in,our families are ruined and most of many of us have been deserted by our wives. The thought of our wives  deserting or our children getting involved in a crime is enough to trigger trouble for some of us".he said.                  The federal government should please do something before this soldiers will die with the longing to see their family, 2 years is too much and they have tried, they must be so exhausted. Please we  plead with the federal government to please change them for new soldiers with fresh and unused strength

Soldiers plead for minesweepers

There are reports that troops fighting the boko haram insurgency in the north east are experiencing serious hardship over the inability of the federal government to provide them with minesweepers and arms to fight the book haram insurgency.

Investigations showed that boko haram insurgents planted mines along major road and bush paths which impeded troops movement, it was gathered that for troops to move from one location to another, they had to resort to the use of hand held mines detectors currently in use,it was also learnt that the troops lacked helicopter gunship needed to fight in deserts. The soldiers stated that much have not change since former President Goodluck Jonathan left office in case of arms supply.        "Sometimes,we borrow arms from other units which are not involved in any operations to fight the insurgents which leaves them defenseless in case of sudden attack  which is not good"source said

Twin bomb blast hits Borno

According to vigilante sources, not less than five people have been killed in a twin suicide attack in Borno on Friday afternoon .   The first suicide                                                 bombing took place in Kimba village of Biu local government area at 8:30 pm which reportedly killed two people.                        The second suicide bombing took place at 12 noon in Sabon Gari,which reportedly have killed three people,according to civilian joint task force JTF member from Biu,"a male detonatef bomb in Biu killing an elderly man along with him

Thursday 3 December 2015

Update on Biafra Protest

Irked by the stubborn disposition of the pro- biafra agitators,who blocked the niger bridge head and refused to give way to motorists,the jtf comprising Army,Navy and civil defence troops,wednesday afternoon,opened fire at protesting members killing nine and injuring 18.five people were killed at Niger Bridge Head while three others were killed at Obodoukwu road including a suya seller who was killed by stray bullets.despite that the agitators have vow to continue their protest if their director and
Nnamdi kanu is not released.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Nicky Minaj celebrates 40 million followers

Gosh!40 million followers on Instagram! Pic below

Stars storm Halima Abubakar's birthday

Nollywood actress Halima Abukakar became plus one yesterday and stars in the person of annie and 2face idibia,Amah Grace and many other outstanding figures  joined her to celebrate her big day


Shooting rampage in California

At least 14 dead and 17 wounded in a shooting rampage that ensued in San Bernardino California at about 11a.m.                                                   The gun men opened fire on a holiday party on Wednesday December 2 killing 14 people and wounding 17 others before fleeing.       "Authorities ordered a security lockdown of all local schools as well as city and county buildings and area hospitals were placed on alert "San Bernardino police chief Jarrod Burguan said

Jeopardy everywhere, not long after Paris shooting,now this,God help us all and bring peace to the world

Amber poses for paper magazine

This lady sure looks good with clothes on

"Biafra agitators not rebels "by Yerima

The former governor of Zamfara state now a senator Ahmad Sani Yerima has said that the Biafra agitators were on a legitimate struggle for self determination.                    Yerima urged the federal government and security agencies to allow them exercise their right and not treat them like rebels who must be forced to either remain in Nigeria or be crushed, the federal instead of doing otherwise should find out why the agitation has been growing day by day.                               "In the end you see,this is politics, I don't believe in using force to make them succumb, submit or follow Nigeria" he stressed

Breaking news:Biafran Protestants wages war

Reports reaching us from Onitsha has confirmed that the Biafran protest has been aggravated to violence,the protest which has been on for a while becomes worse this morning as lives and properties have been lost in the protest, an eye witness confirmed that a seemingly lifeless body was seen at the scene but another eye witness confirmed that the victim is not totally dead and was taken to the hospital in a police van,four trailers at the moment were being set ablaze,an Ibeto and dangote carrying a full load of cement and other two unidentified ones,a mosque at upper Iweka has been set ablaze. While waving the Biafran flag,the Protestant insists"give us Biafra and free our leader or their will be no peace"

Tuesday 1 December 2015

How to keep your home from infidelity: 3 things to sure keep your man from cheating

Cheating has become prevalent and almost inevitable in most men.Men has the tendency to cheat more than women, as simple as it might sound in the beginning ,it may start as a one night stand to a fling,occasional romance, habit and continuous sexual longing and before we know it our home and man would be taken away from us by someone who knows how to get and keep a man.To keep our man,we have to be up and doing in various areas in our home, a man is always ready to deliver sexually,while a woman has cycles and may sometimes not be sexually available but the tips below if applied properly will keep him waiting for you to be ready instead of seeking sexual pleasures elsewhere. There are three things you shouldn't allow your husband to go looking for outside, you should always make them available in your home,they are Sex,Food,Friendship. Under these three things emerges the foundational basis why men cheat in marriages.                           SEX:Most of us,think of marriage as a lifetime of sexual pleasures without interruption or restrictions but is not always like that, as romantic as marriage relationship sound is not that rosy,sometimes you get pinch by thorns but your attitude towards certain marital problems in your home matters a lot,marriage is a Love worth fighting for and you have to fight to maintain your position in the heart of your man or you lose,a man can be selfish when it comes to sexual pleasures and not care much about your own side of the story and we have to as much as possible try to enjoy the ride the way our man wants to give it to us and not position our self as being used instead of being loved.Studies  have shown that men erotically recounts his sexual ordeal mostly when he's alone or arouse,fill it with your pictures, make every sexual encounter memorable.Spice up your sex life, wear sexy lingerie at night and wear a sweet scented perfume.                                                 Food: there's an old saying the way to a man's heart is through it's stomach, some women are so lazy that home cooked meals are only available on special occasions or even if they do,or  might not be delicious .Nothing makes a home more homely than when you have a delicious home cooked meals waiting for you at home after the stress from work or the whole afternoon of gobbling up  on snacks and beverages. Extensive studies have shown that men who rushed off home from work are those whose wives are good cooks and those that don't are those whose wives doesn't or cannot cook,they tend to branch at eatery or bar or even a friends place before going home and the 95% of such men sure cheats on their wives. Do small things in an extraordinary way,serve his meals   stylishly in a bowl and cutleries FRIENDSHIP: According to sex expert Emily Morse,some couples drift apart overtime and don't communicate about their lack of intimacy, when that happens, some men think it's easier to cheat instead of talking about it, so try and engage him to talk,eg "honey,how was your day today? "Sweetie,why is your face like this,is everything alright?" .Don't just be couples, friends barely keep secrets from each other but couples do,so try and be all over him with this three tips and you are sure to enjoy a lifetime of happy and blissful marriage. Goodluck

Juliet Ibrahim looking absolutely beautiful in new pic

Beautiful woman,looks like you are getting younger and prettier everyday

Kylie Jenner lipkit broke the internet

Few minutes after Kylie Jenner lipkit was announced on line, the demand became too high that it caused traffic on the internet,Kylie wrote on her Instagram page "so the internet has been broken lol, but everybody stand by, there are so many people on line right now, we are having some tech issues, working on it". Now,that is what I call breaking the internet not posing naked up and down to get noticed.

Sunday 29 November 2015

How sweet: Jude Okoye teases wife about having more children on their daughter's first birthday

The Okoye's broods are lovely ones so we could never get tired seeing them,Jude Okoye on his daughter bday sends a heart warming message to her while making a referral to the wife to get ready for more children as time is right. Read below "Happy 1st bday to my pride and joy. My princess and daddy's girl Emma Adanna Okoye. It seems like yesterday when God bless u with's already one year now.God's guardian,protection and love on u always IJN cc(@kifycutie get ready for her sibling oo)

Susan Peter's stunning Sunday outfit

Check out the dazzling outfit Susan peter wore today

Digital technology to control terrorism in the country

NIS comptroller General Martin Abeshi in a speech on Saturday in keffi,Nasarawa state at a venue organized in his honor and that of the vice chancellor of the plateau state university, bokkos,prof danjuma sheni,by keffi old boys association of the keffi government college spoke and appeal with government to replace manual border control with digital control to tackle terrorism and other trans border criminal activities more effectively.he went further to urge Nigerians to support President buhari's effort to end terrorism and minimize crime rates across the country adding that security is a collective responsibility.

Good news: siasia mother have been freed

The 72 years old mother of the under 17 national team coach Samson siasia, Mrs beauty siasia who was abducted in bayelsa on November 16 was dropped off at about 1:30 pm on Saturday. ASP police spokesman Asinum butswat said the kidnappers freed the victim following a clampdown on their location by men of Anti-kidnapping unit of the police in the state. Butswat said the police were cautious and professional in the operation to ensure that the hostage was freed unhurt. "She is hale and hearty and have been reunited with her family and police have intensify effort to arrest the kidnappers

Ifeoma Okoye sends loving birthday message to daughter as she turns one

Emma Adanna Okoye the cute baby of Jude engees and Ifeoma Okoye is one today and the proud mom took to her Instagram page to write her a loving birthday below."u gave my life a new meaning my sweet angel.I loved u before I met u. U have brought nothing but joy to everyone of us and we pray that God in his infinite mercy protect and guide u every single day of ur life .I wish u good health, long life and prosperity, wisdom and knowledge that passeth all human understanding in Jesus name...I love u eternally my princess "cute

Afraid of prison? Ex Government officials returns stolen fund

Reports reaching us from the presidency has confirmed that some ex government officials out of fear and panic have been returning stolen government funds via Cbn.kemi Adeosun the minister of finance speaking in Abuja on Friday at the convergence of the federation account allocation committee said"the looted funds have been returned through the CBN and only the bank could speak on procedures and actual figures.President Buhari is yet to to disclose how to handle the money though people are still doubting the veracity of these!what do I say guess they are afraid of prison and a big congratulations to President Buhari zero tolerance administration for corrupt officials both past and present

Thursday 26 November 2015

18 killed in Boko Haram attack

18 people were killed and 100 homes burnt iin boko haram attack near southern bosso in the village of wogom late wednesday.according to the mayor of  bosso"18 killed,11 injured and 100 homes burnt